A Future Perfect [sic] Life
27:14 min

Link to full video here

"What is life? Nadim Choufi explores future-oriented issues and reveals how they are entangled with economic interests. In A Future Perfect [sic] Life, Choufi surfs through heterogeneous media worlds and knowledge resources available on the internet, including bioscience, environmental science, science fiction, commercial advertising, scientific illustration, transhumanism technology, popular science films, visions of extra-terrestrial futures, and discourses related to design and architecture. His excursion into the visual jungle illustrates how visualisations, desires, plans and critical debates produce overabundant images of humanity. As it points to its main theme the title also sounds a note of criticism with the inclusion of the adverb [sic]; often used in academic communication to indicate that the writer is distancing himself or herself from the quoted matter, or that there are apparent errors in its content" – Written by Esch2022 & ZKM | Center for Art and Media

A Future Perfect [sic] Life was commissioned by and presented at Darat Al Funun. An earlier version titled Entangle for the Alien to Continue was commissioned and presented at the New School for the New Center symposium Alien Processes: Reproduction and Time.

First photo taken by Eva-Maria Lopez