Nadim Choufi is a Lebanese visual artist who works with sculpture, text, and moving image. He currently lives and works in Rotterdam.

His work explores ideals of progress, how they manifest and seduce, and shape the lives subjected to their realization. He draws on desires that challenge dominant national and global narratives of progress.

His most recent projects examine diplomacy as a force of progress that warps its subjects.

Currently, I am working on a series of sculptures, a book, a performance, and a film. They will be shown in 2025 and 2026. You can see my work at the current and upcoming exhibitions:

Solo Exhibition
, SculptureCenter, New York, US
Duo show: Moderate tear, refurbished to be heard, Josilda da Conceição Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Solo presentation, Art Brussels, Brussels, BE
Performance premier, Poetry International, Rotterdam, NL
Performance, Celador, Brussels, BE

This website contains a selection of my work. To know more about my current work or any other inquiries, please contact me at

Skins (work in progress)

Campaign Flower Bed, 2023